Pleased to announce that Messrs Bill De Jong and Basil M Karatzas will be presenting on the Marine Industry at ELFA’s upcoming Webinar scheduled for
Wednesday September 21st, 2022, at 1300 – 1400 hrs EDT.
The topic of the presentation is
“The Marine Industry: Sailing on Strong Asset Prices for Now, both Domestically and Internationally”

This presentation takes place within ELFA’s regularly scheduled Webinars discussing major market trends and developments in markets of interest to the membership of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA).
The marine industry, like most equipment sectors, has experienced a very strong market post-pandemic. Supply chain disruptions combined with geo-political events on a global scale have made access to transport, and equipment in general, a critical factor. A strong dollar, high commodity prices and labor shortages have caused the replacement cost of marine assets to skyrocket. While overall freight rates and earnings are strong, it’s debatable whether asset prices are in-line with future earnings prospects.
The presentation will cover both the international and domestic marine markets (Jones Act, inland and blue water) and discuss market fundamentals and major trends. A lively discussion on how fundamentals and market trends may be affecting the financing and leasing prospects of marine equipment will follow the presentation. The Webinar is intended for asset managers, equipment financiers and lessors, lenders, investors and service providers.
The presenters, Bill De Jong and Basil M Karatzas, have substantial collective experience in both the leasing and marine industries.

Bill De Jong is the Principal of Global Equipment Management Services, LLC, having broad knowledge of all aspects of leasing and equipment, with 40+ years of leasing and remarketing experience, including long-standing past experience with Bank of America Leasing. As a Founder of Global Equipment Management Services, LLC since 2009, the firm provides full services with equipment inspections, appraisals, recovery, storage and remarketing services in the U.S. and abroad. The clients of Global Equipment Management range from the smaller regional banks and financial institutions to the larger more recognized national banks and financial institutions. The Management of Global Equipment Management have over 65 years of leasing and re-marketing experience in a number of equipment areas including rail, corporate and commercial aircraft, marine, semiconductor, trucks and trailers, material handling, machine tools and construction and mining.

Basil M Karatzas is the Founder and CEO of Karatzas Marine Advisors & Co, a full service advisory firm in the marine and financial industries. Karatzas Marine provides marine appraisals and marine surveys via ASA-, NAMS- and AICPA-credentialed professionals, for international shipping and domestic marine (Jones Act, inland, coastal, blue-water, offshore drilling and offshore wind), re-marketing and ship-brokerage services, and also market intelligence and advisory services. Karatzas Marine has represented small-, mid-market and bulge-bracket banks and lessors, law firms, ship-owners and operators, and has acted as liquidation trustee for judicial sales of pelagic purse seiner tuna fishing vessels by the High Court of the Republic of Marshall Islands. Karatzas Marine is a member company of the American Waterways Operators (AWO), the Baltic Exchange (in the UK) and BIMCO (in Denmark).
Both Global Equipment Management Services and Karatzas Marine Advisors are associate member companies of ELFA.
The Webinar is open to both ELFA members and the general public.
We cordially invite you to register for the Webinar and attend virtually, as we expect to have a robust agenda with market info and data, and insightful discussion on the ever challenging and always critical marine industry! All aboard!